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Taylor Hawes | Identifying the faces of crime

(10/28/11 3:43am)

Earlier this summer and earlier this month, two pretty girls were acquitted of accusations of very ugly crimes. If you haven’t heard anything about the murder trials of Casey Anthony and Amanda Knox, you must not have read or watched the news at all for the past year. We’ve all heard about these famous cases ad nauseam, thanks to the incredibly heavy media saturation both of these trials have enjoyed here and abroad. We all know that Anthony was accused of murdering her toddler in cold blood and was found not guilty — to the astonishment and often outrage of the American public. And a few weeks ago, Amanda Knox was released from an Italian prison, her 2009 conviction for the murder of her roommate having been reversed by an Italian appellate court.

Taylor Hawes | No parking

(09/16/11 4:07am)

If there’s one thing I love about Penn, it’s heading down Locust Walk into the heart of campus and being (almost) surrounded by real grass and real trees. It’s the closest I can get to nature in the urban glitz and grime that is Philly. Don’t get me wrong — I’m a city girl at heart. But everyone needs a good tree hug every now and then.

Tattle-Taylor | Getting lost in translation

(04/12/11 8:23am)

There is a nauseatingly consistent routine that every Spanish class I’ve ever taken at Penn follows. The students file in and find seats. The teacher takes his or her usual place at the front of the room and issues a command that is always prefaced by the same dismally invariable phrase, “Con tu compañero…” That directly translates to “with your partner.” It indirectly translates to “without your teacher.”