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Kasper | Penn women's soccer's defense goes beyond the box score

(09/01/14 10:17pm)

T he notion of a star-studded defense is almost an oxymoron, especially in soccer. Though coaches, players, sports writers and fans pay lip service to the notion that “defense wins championships,” reverence for stars is generally reserved for those whose outstanding individual performances are a bit more, well, quantifiable.

Kasper | Offense will define Penn women's soccer's season

(09/05/13 9:38pm)

Today, the women’s soccer season commences, and thus, it’s time for us sportswriters to get together and make predictions on matters about which we know not. Oh, we’re qualified in our knowledge about the sport and all. Many — well, some — of us played years of competitive soccer, and we can regurgitate Ivy League statistics that even coaches fail to find interesting.