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On lust and stress

(05/15/14 1:45am)

As I near graduation, I have been trying to come to peace with my time here. While I am grateful for the knowledge and friendships I cultivated, I am not particularly proud of my romantic encounters. I was often driven more by ego than affection. I went out many drunken nights with instrumental mindset of gleaning pleasure from others. Along the way, I have hurt some, including myself.

JY Lee | What I believe

(12/02/13 2:53am)

I ask for forgiveness. For what we Christians have done, and not done. Forgetting our origin as the persecuted, we have abandoned Jesus’ call to love and justice and have become oppressors against religious, racial and sexual minorities. Forgetting that Jesus’ acts for the marginalized spoke louder than his words, we hypocritically preach compassion into the microphone. We have become largely irrelevant among the liberal intelligentsia, and are no longer the salt and light of the world.

JY Lee | A season of Thanksgiving

(11/17/13 7:35pm)

I feel sorry for teachers in America. Every Teachers’ Day on May 15, students shower teachers with flowers in Korea. During my last eight years in America, however, I have never seen anyone observe Teachers’ Day in the United States (it’s May 7, by the way), and the World Teachers’ Day on Oct. 15 passes with equal silence. So with Thanksgiving as our ultimate feast of gratitude, here’s a toast to all my professors who have nurtured my inchoate mind.

JY Lee | Viva la vida

(09/05/13 8:59pm)

My world turned upside down last month. I separated with my immortal beloved who had been my soulmate. My family botanical garden business, the joy of my family, was posted for sale after its cancerous debt poisoned the flowers. Then death reared its beastly head and dared to lay its eyes upon my mother.