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OP-ED: Come to My Workshop! I Promise You'll Learn Stuff and Immediately Forget It an Hour Later


Photo by Niccolò Caranti / CC BY-SA 3.0

Hey! Hey, you! Yeah, you, the one procrastinating on the piles of work you have by scrolling through social media or pretending not to see me on Locust! Boy, do I have news for you.

I’m organizing this workshop, and you should come to it! Wait, scratch that, you need to come. It’s going to be enlightening, inspiring, perhaps tear-inducing. But, most of all, it’s going to be forgettable.

You’re going to sit there for an hour, maybe tune in on about 40% of the stuff I’m saying, somewhat appreciate it in the moment, and then forget literally everything I said an hour later. This is not just an empty promise — it’s a guarantee. We’ll bring the Zesto’s and slide deck, and you bring your willingness to wholly ignore everything we teach you. It’s a win-win!

Anyway, I’ll see ya there! And if not, you can at least click “going” on the Facebook event.
