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What's HapPENNing

Homecoming has Homecome-and-gone, and SORORITY is putting on PHILANTHROPY EVENT on DAY. Read on!

Tonight: Chi O Chipoltle Fundraiser for Make-A-Wish Listen, you're already going to be at Chipotle, so you might as well pay it forward.

Tonight: Beautiful Economics: The Economics of Creativity Unicorns are listed in the the subtitle, we'll be there.

Wesdnesday: Luke's Lobster Pop-Up Shop at AXO Yeah this is definitely pretty random. But. Lobster Mac and Cheese.

Thursday: CSSP's 2nd Annual 90s Quizzo Ride your Reptar to Discovery Zone and don't get Slimed on the way.

Thursday, Friday, Saturday: Penn Players Presents Assassins Neil Patrick Harris was in this when it was on Broadway!

Saturday: SDT's Beatles Late Night at Greek Lady We all live in a Zionist submarine (and proceeds go to prevent child abuse!)

Sunday: Penn UNICEF's Annual Hunger Banquet A banquet for hunger? BUT HOW
