Under the Button is part of a student-run nonprofit.

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Introducing FLING STANLEY!


When you were in elementary school, did you participate in the Flat Stanley Project?

For those who didn't have a childhood, here's how it went: you read a story about a guy named Stanley who got flattened by a board, then you got to color in a picture of the guy and send him to a relative, who then took pictures with Flat Stanley and sent those pictures back to you. Then you showed your classmates all the wonderful places that your Flat Stanley had been! Here he is in Italy, and here he is with Clint Eastwood.

This year, UTB is introducing Fling Stanley. (S)he is a familiar figure on campus, all decked out for Fling in her favorite purple fanny pack and blue Solo cup (lest she be be too matchy-matchy with her red suit.)

Here's what you do:

  1. Click [flingstanley] to download the PDF of Fling Stanley.
  2. Print it out, and include her in your Fling photos!
  3. Send those photos to us, and we'll feature them on UTB.
  4. Obviously we're not gonna publish a picture of your junk.


