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STREET Presents: A Report on Cheating


Mum's the word when it comes to academic dishonesty. As the writer of this week's feature finds out, secrets are the sort of thing you don't share — unlike problem sets or exam answers.

Ego talks to a funny gal after our own hearts with an affinity for BBP. Film takes a holiday movie trip down memory lane. Arts has some classes for you to take that aren't in Addams. Highbrow gets waxed for Woodser.

Music fills you in on the bands who you may not know playing at the Penn Music Collective show tonight. Pregame with the aid of Backpage's vodka blind taste test. Try Food's hangover cures in the morning.

Lowbrow has classifieds (Do you need a job? Are you good at doing impressions of falafel sandwiches?? See inside.)

The last regular writer's meeting of the semester is tonight at 6:30, 4015 Walnut. It's never too late to get involved. We've been waiting for you...
