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Cultural Elite is DEAD. Introducing: Senior Superlatives


Cultural Elite as you knew it is gone. But don’t go mourning the loss of Penn’s most scandalous senior year tradition just yet. Take off that black lace veil… you look ridiculous. Cultural Elite was a caterpillar; it’s been hiding in a cocoon or whatever metamorphosis metaphor you want to make and it’s about to burst out as a beautiful butterfly. See, we at Street took into account everything people loved and hated about the feature and came up with something new and exciting. We just love to shake things up.

Here’s the plan: Senior Superlatives. Just like the ones you did in high school but we’re doing them Street Style. So retro! We’ll post categories and you, the people, will nominate whoever you want. We’ll review submissions and send out a survey of the finalists for everyone to vote on. Yay democracy! Choose wisely because this year, Cultural Elite is up to you.

Check out the categories and nominate your roommate/best friend/slam piece over at 34st.com/superlatives.
