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Yesterday, we learned that ECAASU (East Coast Asian American Student Union) was hosting its annual conference at Penn this year. Read: 1,000+ students descending on Penn's campus for a mega Asian American fest. While most of us are long gone by now (which makes us wonder why ECAASU chose this weekend), the conference is sure to please those of us who are sticking around.

Tonight's Opening Ceremony at Irvine, in addition to giving ECAASU an Olympic-like feel, will show off some of Penn's finest. Pan-Asian Dance Troupe hopes to show their fellow Asian Americans how Penn Asians roll. Former Excelano Project and ex-EOTW Ben Alisuag will also be in the house, spitting some serious poetry.

ECAASU is topping it off with an after-party at Shampoo, where we hear America's Best Dance Crew winners Quest Crew will be performing.Tearing down all sorts of Penngineering Asian stereotypes, Quest Crew is very likely one of the coolest groups thats been loosely associated with Penn--ever. Better yet, Penn's South Asian dance troupe Dhamaka is the opening act for the ABDC winners.

Penn Asians FTW!
