Articles by Jeremiah Keenan

05/03/17 8:00pm
In last Wednesday’s paper Calvary Rogers argued in favor of increasing soft censorship in America and at Penn.
12/07/16 9:31pm
The world’s most successful notion of free government arose from what was called “the principle of the sovereignty of the people.” This principle viewed government as a regrettable necessity.
11/02/16 11:02pm
“The idea that people are born gay — or lesbian or bisexual — is appealing for lots of reasons,” noted John D’Emilio, former Director of the Policy Institute at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.
10/12/16 9:26pm
A handsome Asian man pushed an oversized cardboard box on wheels into the elevator and squeezed in behind it on the side opposite myself.
09/29/16 12:26am
One of the problems that have baffled journalists for months now is Hillary Clinton’s extraordinary unpopularity.
09/24/16 1:29pm

GROUP THINK | Amy Gutmann's relationship with the student body

GROUP THINK is the DP’s round table section, where we throw a question at the columnists and see what answers stick.
09/14/16 9:59pm
Two weeks ago The Daily Pennsylvanian highlighted a claim in a recent Senate Committee report that there is a gender wage gap at Penn.
09/09/16 1:38pm

Group Think | Is TAP Effective?

GROUP THINK is the DP’s round table section, where we throw a question at the columnists and see what answers stick.
08/31/16 11:52pm
She was a cosmopolitan-looking, middle-aged doctor with the kind of precisely preserved physiognomy that I imagine develops 15 years out from an Ivy League sorority.
12/08/15 11:11pm
At first glance, it would seem impossible to obtain more diversity of thought than can be achieved by a student body representative of the American population. However, this is not always the case for selective schools.
11/11/15 11:44pm
“Sally” – we’ll call her – started watching pornography at the age of 12. Nothing too strange about that.
10/14/15 12:29am
In my last column, I introduced a small part of why I favor the conclusions of a minority of scientists who are skeptical of materialistic explanations for the existence of biological life.
09/29/15 11:50pm
Many believe that the Theory of Evolution scientifically confirms a strictly materialistic view of the origin of life.
09/15/15 11:19pm
Rose was the first time I saw the effects of suicide on loved ones left behind.
09/01/15 10:00pm
I first heard of the Falun Gong in the early 2000s. The house church I attended in Guangzhou was a little nervous about the increase in police scrutiny of religious events.
04/22/15 11:19pm
In last Tuesday’s Toe the Line, Carter Skeel argued that Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act is a reasonable law.
12/10/14 12:35am
According to popular assumption, there’s a simple dichotomy between science and religion. Science represents collective knowledge of objective reality; religion, a traditional codification of subjective experience.
12/02/14 10:39pm
In any case, the problem with West’s simple formula remains: The work-hard, play-hard philosophy provides temporary distraction, not real meaning. And when something goes wrong — when you’re out of work or suddenly stop feeling the fun — it can all come crashing down.
11/18/14 9:17pm
Across the country, similarly misguided school authorities have ordered the removal of nominally religious images and quotations (such as an educational poster featuring the five pillars of Islam or a Ronald Reagan quote that mentioned God) and banned or bullied religious clubs.
11/04/14 9:43pm
There is probably no single course on-campus that is as profoundly hated as the writing seminar. Organic chemistry plagues the pre-med, math is feared by many, BEPP is the bane of the Wharton freshman, but the writing seminar is the common enemy of all.
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