Articles by Morgan Jones

11/13/13 7:11pm
Robert Frost erred when he said to take the path less traveled — always travel in herds, and don’t look around.
10/16/13 10:27pm
Before, I preferred to go down the route of not acknowledging death.
10/03/13 5:51pm
The fact that we can dismiss people, relationships and interactions we’re not proud of after four years doesn’t mean that those actions don’t define our character.
09/18/13 11:41pm
When I came to Penn, I brought that superhero mindset with me. If anyone asked me how I was doing, I’d answer, “Good!” It’s easy to give that automatic response and move on — I mean, is Superman ever not good?
09/05/13 11:53am
It is possible to divorce supporting the troops as a whole political entity from respecting the individuals who serve.
08/19/13 5:48pm
In elementary school, I made an unhealthy amount of lists. I was, to say the least, the opposite of an impulsive child. Earlier this week, however, I jumped out of a plane.
04/10/13 11:51pm
Is Fling more about the music or coming together as a school? As far as I know, this is the first time students are actively and publicly organizing themselves to separate the concert from Fling.
04/02/13 11:21pm
Access to the Quadrangle building access will be restricted during Fling. According to Penn, the administration is trying to “curb the threat of underage or irresponsible drinking” and reduce the number of hospitalizations. I don’t think the new policy will be effective. In fact, I think it may have the opposite effect.
03/21/13 1:06am
On July 1, 2013, Google will be discontinuing Google Reader, a RSS feed that displays all your news sources, blogs and sites of personal interest in one place. This instance does, however, point to one glaring fact that we internet users like to forget: everything we store on the internet is under the control of someone else, and we don’t have much of a say if that controller decides to take it all away.
03/15/13 12:02am
We — Philadelphia — have everything. Well, almost everything. But you know what we don’t have? A weekly pub run. And do you know what would make Philadelphia an even greater city? A weekly pub run.
02/26/13 10:41pm
What does the fact that we cannot enjoy such a show but rather must criticize it ruthlessly and endlessly say about our culture? #NothingGood.
02/20/13 11:24pm
To many students, Locust Walk is just a means to get from one class to another. This, unfortunately, reflects an attitude found beyond the cobbled blocks of Locust: to many students, Penn is just a stepping stone between high school and the “real world.”
02/06/13 9:10pm
Pairing an identity with a name is not a new phenomenon, but now researchers have the data to recognize and support name trends with statistical analysis. So thanks for raising me, Mom and Dad, but you did most of the heavy lifting just by slapping a name on that birth certificate.
01/31/13 12:46am
My Hill hall is cool. We defy stereotypes. We bond all over again over “The Bachelor.” Does your hall?
01/24/13 12:52am
Other countries don’t like us because of our narcissistic attitude. So, in order to better participate in our globalized world and to improve our international reputation, we must become aware of more than the American side.
01/17/13 12:59am
Most of the time, the worst that comes of those extra shots is an embarrassing moment or an inside joke from another time at Smoke’s. Yet all too often, the results are on a much larger scale.
01/10/13 12:29am
My exercise was limited to taking the stairs to my room in lieu of the elevator — and I live on the second floor. The weather had started to turn chilly and hot yoga didn’t sound so bad after all.
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