Articles by Ashley Stinnett

12/04/16 10:33pm
The month of silence mandated by the monk class will be over by the time this column is in print.
11/09/16 11:17pm
It is 6:30 a.m. on Nov. 9 as I write this. I am in my month of silence for the monk class, and as such, I cannot talk to people, consume any media or read anything outside of what is required for my coursework.
11/06/16 9:23pm
The Monk class is deep into the month of silence now.
10/23/16 10:08pm
Communications are limited in the Monk class now: 100 spoken words per day, no social media, no contact beyond what is necessary for school or employment. It started out innocuously.
10/10/16 9:44pm
I had two weeks of heavy restrictions in a row: first, a Jain diet, second, no more than 100 words used per day.
09/25/16 11:33pm
Why did I first want to take the monk class, back when I first heard about it in freshman year? It would be a fantastic way to get the cheekbones I’ve always wanted; I’ll be able to read the shit I definitely should have read by now (Ulysses, anyone?); I’ll finally have time to write and be super introspective and know my true self and I’m totes contemplative and everyone will think I’m badass and wise. Why do I want to take the monk class now? I don’t know. I have no idea what’s going to happen. That’s precisely the appeal.
09/24/16 1:29pm

GROUP THINK | Amy Gutmann's relationship with the student body

GROUP THINK is the DP’s round table section, where we throw a question at the columnists and see what answers stick.
09/12/16 12:02am
I call myself a writer, but I haven’t published anything in the three years I’ve been at this university.
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