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ShutterButton: Potty Talk

This one's a nod to all those artistes who take it upon themselves to anonymously share their angst on the walls of the bathrooms and carrels of VP, partaking in the age old tradition that dates back to Benjamin himself. We took it upon ourselves to give a voice to the voiceless, and rank these thoughts. 

1) The grand prize winner: The one that at least attempted a pun and gave us a touch nostalgia for the era of Penn-15. 

 "Penn-Is Fucking Me"

2) Hey?! No.  

     "Shoutout to Amy! I'd let her gut my man (hey get it?!)." 


3) The poignantly relatable yet hopelessly antiquated one.

"Over it, getting my MRS degree" 

Make your voice heard! Grab your pen and spread your writing wings. We'll be watching. 
