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Send Us Your Fling Texts

UTB is officially taking Fling text submissions! For those on a need to know basis, here's the deal, pulled straight from the pages of Merriam Webster:

Texts From Fling

n. texts·from·fling 

1. embarrassing, drunk texts from the best (and/or worst) weekend of your semester

2. a. a UTB post containing these hilarious texts (and area codes) submitted to tips@underthebutton.com

b. restorer of some post-Fling dignity and bestower of life-long internet fame


<The Day Drinker Daydreamer (914): at work lol all alone (914): thnk goodnes bCDRUNK (914): i wihs [name redacted] were here (914): he looks like a husband for me (914): i bet with would have a house on the cape (914): #wharton>

<The Translator: (301): gtfvsik lovr oyo (703): Hahaha very good. (301): lov0eiiowuyou (301): os muhc (703): You too (301): bet firsnesd (703): Yes.  Best friends forever.>
