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Penn Dental Got A GoPro...And Made This

Perhaps seeking to prove that a GoPro does not in fact make everything look fun, Penn Dental made this video. With panoramas of a room filled with practice dental chairs and close ups of a needle entering a gaping mouth, we were intrigued, but mostly we were plagued by flashbacks of mental hooks scraping our gums, not to mention trying to pretend you're not crying because you feel weird that you're a twenty-year-old who can't handle a routine cleaning...just us?

Despite some exciting highlights (under faucet shots and a handstand) and the admirable enthusiasm of the videographer, we weren't sure who was less excited to be there – the students coerced into waiving to the camera, or you before your last root canal. Bottom line: Watch if you've always wondered what the hell happens in the dental school building. Do not watch if you've ever had a cavity. 
